Free Fun Family Picnic Place

The Walkway is about 3km South of Hawera starting at the end of Rifle Range Road. If you travel down the Whareroa Road, the Rifle Range Road is the first road to the right past the Dairy Factory.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Love Matuku

Jenny Kerrisk snapped this photo of a Matuku at the Nowell's Lakes lakes this morning.  Matuku-hūrepo are Threatened – Nationally Critical.  That's one step away from extinction

Matuku are near the top of the food chain in our wetlands. They habitat at our lakes because of the clean water thriving with eel, plants and insects 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Mew Kubota Mower

Trustees are very pleased that we finally managed to raise enough money to purchase a new Kubota Ride-on Mower for the Walkway. The funds came from grants from the following charities:- 

  • $5k from the Toi Foundation
  • $5k from the Pelorus Trust
  • $4k from the STDC Community Initiatives Fund
  • $1.8K from our Fonterra Operational Budget   
Our mower man, Nigel, is very happy as he was struggling to maintain the old mower that was just plain worn out.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Ablution Pod Opening

The STDC ablution pod for the Nowell's Lakes Walkway was officially opened today and in time for the Christmas holiday period for visitors.  
The blessing was performed by kaumatua Sandy Parata  of Nga ti Ruanui.  

There are two toilets within the pod and the District Council will maintain the facilities.  The pod comes with its own power source of solar panels with the only connection being a water supply from the farm 

Reg Korau (STDC), Doug Hutchinson (Nowell's Lakes Trust, Michelle Dwyer (Fonterra), Shay King (Nga ti Ruanui), Mayor Phil Nixon, Nigel Kareko (Nowell's Lakes Trust Volunteer), Sandy Parata and Graham Young (Nga ti Ruanui)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 Rare Birds Find Safe Haven

See video:

Jenny Kerrisk hid and waited for hours to photograph one of the shy Matuku-hūrepo (Australasian bittern) now living at Nowell's Lakes, Hāwera. Years of riparian planting around the Nowell’s Lakes walkway near Hāwera have paid off with the discovery that a colony of critically endangered birds have moved in.

Although Matuku-hūrepo are very well camouflaged and will freeze when approached, South Taranaki bird enthusiast Jenny Kerrisk was able to snap photographs of some of them by patiently waiting for hours. With 90% of the wetland habitat they live in lost across the country, the birds were classed as nationally critical or near to extinction.  It was not known how many were currently left, but the last count done in 1980 tallied just 700 birds across the North and South Islands.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

New Signage For The Walkway

New signage has been erected at the start of the Walkway explaining to visitors that the Nowell’s Lakes are home to a number of native wetland birds including the “Nationally Critical” Matuku (Australasian bittern).  The Matuku are extremely sensitive to disturbance and if approached, they will either try to ‘steal away’ silently or freeze, standing with an erect neck and bill. The signage was sponsored by "Wild for Taranaki". 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Planting Day 2022

The Horticultural Class of the Hawera High School under the guidance of teacher Malcolm McKercher planted out 300 native trees in the upstream development area.  They had selected the planting sites themselves and had spot sprayed each site a few weeks before in preparation for the planting.  Well done!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Church Group Planting 2021

Chester Borrows QSM, arranged an outing for a few young families of his church group.  He thought it a good idea to to get them get them out in the fresh air by planting a few trees at the Walkway.  In doing so they got some understanding of  the environment, had a lot of fun, a run around and a picnic after. 

 Thank you Chester and families.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Planting Day 2020

12th August 2020:  This year we were gifted 500 native trees from the STDC though their environmental and sustainability manger Rebecca Martin and were planted out with the help of about 20 good workers including Lions Club members, Fonterra Staff, Trustees and students from the Hawera High School. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Wldflower Planting

Our new planting of Wildflowers all ready for the summer of 2020.   You will find them by going into the down stream Walkway area, then a quick runup of the stairaways to the right